Dialog und Inszenierung

3rd Symposium, 2019
144 pages
19 x 24 cm | Softcover
108 illustrations
Conference volume on the 3rd Egon Schiele Symposium at the Leopold Museum
Editors: Verena Gamper und Hans-Peter Wipplinger
Autors: Gemma Blackshaw, Agathe Boruszczak, Sandra Maria Dzialek, Verena Gamper, Stefanie Jahn, Eric Kandel, Elisabeth von Samsonow, Patrick Werkner
The 3rd Egon Schiele Symposium opened with a keynote by Nobel Prize winner Eric Kandel, which heralded the focus on the connection between medicine and art in Viennese Modernism. In addition, the expanded staging space of the exhibition medium was illuminated, as was Schiele's self-iconization and his appropriations of the visual vocabulary of prehistory and early history, as well as research results from the restoration field. With lectures by Gemma Blackshaw, Agathe Borusczak, Sandra Maria Dzialek, Verena Gamper, Stefanie Jahn, Eric Kandel, Elisabeth von Samsonow and Patrick Werkner.
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