16th September 2022–6th February 2023
Level -1

The Leopold Museum starts into the autumn exhibition season with a comprehensive presentation dedicated to the Hagenbund. Only three years after the founding of the Vienna Secession, the formation of the artists’ union Hagen in 1900 provided another counter movement to the renowned Society of Austrian Visual Artists, or Künstlerhaus for short. Soon after the Secessionists left the Künstlerhaus, which for more than three decades was the leading artists’ union in Vienna, its conservatism led to renewed tensions with its progressive forces. In February 1900, 22 artists, who criticized the lack of support for young talents within the Künstlerhaus, united to form the Hagenbund. Disputes about the supposed unfavorable hanging of artworks by members of the Künstlerhaus at the presentation of Austrian art at the Paris World Fair designed by Joseph Urban, and the inflexibility of the cliques within the Künstlerhaus, who opposed innovation, led to the collective secession of the “Hagenbund artists” in November of that year.

Curators: Hans-Peter Wipplinger, Dominik Papst, Stefan Üner



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