Leopold Museum No. 1 on Instagram


Leopold leads Austrian museums on the online photo platform: over 4,000 followers and counting.

Vienna (OTS) – Among Austria’s museums and other fine art institutions represented on Instagram, the clear number one is the Leopold Museum in Vienna. Just half a year after launching its Instagram account in January 2015, the museum—known worldwide for its Schiele and Klimt collections—is also one of the platform’s most popular such institutions from the German-speaking world. The steep increase in followers is impressive, and the fans’ positive feedback is overwhelming.

The Leopold Museum’s over 4,000 followers can look forward to new photos on a daily basis, with around 6,500 images with the hashtag LeopoldMuseum having been posted so far. Followers see views of the current temporary exhibition, of the museum’s architecture, and of events, as well as snapshots revealing the many and varied aspects of everyday life at the museum.

Summer Special: 50% off on admission when you check in at the Leopold Museum via social media!

As a way of saying thanks for the fantastic support by its Instagram fans and followers, the Leopold Museum is presenting Gustav Klimt’s epochal masterpiece Death and Life as nine equally sized close-up outtakes, with the individual tiles joining to form a whole on the channel itself. And to go with this feature, the museum is also running a “Social Media Summer Special”: visitors who check in to the Leopold Museum electronically (via Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Swarm, or Instagram) pay only half the admission fee. (Just show the CheckIn on your mobile device at the ticket desk. Offer valid until 31 August 2015).

Instagram is a photo network for use primarily on mobile devices, and there are already over 300 million dedicated Instagram followers worldwide. In Austria, the network’s growing number of active users currently stands at around 780,000 (source: socialmediaradar.at). A few years ago, Instagram was bought by Facebook, thus being integrated into one of the most successful social networks of all.
In addition to the Leopold Museum’s presences on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram, this year saw the addition of successful Twitter and Pinterest channels.






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